-an HEIR to the HORNBOOK-

Greatest Hits and Missives
by Benedict Monk

Friday, March 05, 2004

-Pork x Four-

How to stretch four pieces of pork (total value = $1.75) across four days:
Give each a different flavor. In this case; honey, pepper, chili and garlic.

IV. Garlic

Before the first taste of Garlic pork, there was some conjecture that Garlic would be personified in a dirty, middle aged man figure of indeterminate race and stature, a social Archie Bunker, no?

No, garlic is a little bit of my true-to-life uncle, the doctor, father and horseman who bears no resemblance to Bunker whatsoever. Garlic is a road trip with piss-poor directions and worse signage. Garlic is that joke that makes me clap a hand to my mouth in horror at the treacle that just escaped, and then again when the joke works, so I can hide this insufferable, involuntary grin. Garlic is my four cousins, the social pair and the other two.

Too bad most of the trip was spent on the road, and that garlic pork at 2 AM is no substitute for a full meal at 10 PM, before a drinking excursion beginning at 11 PM and concluding on a New York-bound charter bus at 5:30 AM the next morning.

Morning, yes. I didn't fully write this on Friday. And I didn't write this on Saturday, Sunday, or so on until Thursday, March 11, leaving this and a plethora of other posts half finished and unpublished. You gonna forgive me if I start each new 'graph the same way the last one finished?

Finnish people like garlic on fish. Okay, that last one was a bit of a throwaway. But this is still about the garlic, and don't you forget it.

Some additional garlic sightings:

The effect of Garlic on leeches. I also like how they dipped the leeches in Guinness Stout and other ales.
Garlic Mustard makes it all better. Why do I love the word 'Eurasian?'
Bongo used to be "Garlic: the Stinky Newspaper."
Best use of Garlic.
Everything can come in pill form.
Misspelled but authoritative site for garlic recipes.


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