-an HEIR to the HORNBOOK-

Greatest Hits and Missives
by Benedict Monk

Saturday, August 09, 2003


One popular device all cellular phones now have is the phonebook function, which stores names and corresponding numbers in the handset for later recall.

I'm looking at it now, and I've discovered that 19 entries are friends, family, acquaintances, and organizations with positive associations. Nine are entries I'd like to forget were ever there. Obviously, I'd like to delete the negative ones, but it's not always possible. Let's see what I can say about each one in turn, in reverse order.

28.(-)Verizon: No one has good things to say about Verizon. They force DSL and other features on unwilling participants, and demand to know several times throughout every customer service call if you are receiving quality customer service, even though they haven't actually done anything for you yet.
27.(-)Tim K---: is a former landlord who charged me over a hundred dollars because "stuff was left everywhere." All of this junk he is referring to predated my stay. [Delete]
26.(+)Shore: It's hard to argue with a vacation spot, even if I haven't actually called it.
25.(+)S-----: I do not see my aunts, uncles, and cousins nearly often enough.
24.(-)Ryan: is the guy who preceded me in my recent sublet, overstayed his welcome, and left PBR cans in light fixtures. [Delete]
23.(+)Rico: is an affable former housemate with cooking skills and a sense of social justice.
22.(+)Phil Work: Busy older brother.
21.(+)Phil Home: Relaxed older brother.
20.(+)Phil Cell: Mobile older brother
19.(+)Parents: This frequently-dialed landline connects to my parent's home.
18.(+)Mom: This is her cellphone, but she and my father often trade up.
17.(+)Mike: As Mike's friend and romantic counselor, I listen to his travails and advise him on the best means of accomplishing his goals. He does not often take my advice, but he is willing to keep late hours.
16.(+)Mervis: is the name of the building where I work.
15.(-)Melanie: is my current absentee landlord.
14.(-)Katherine: was a "Friend" who feigned sleep to blow me off. [Delete]
13.(+)Frank B---: is a longtime friend of my parents, kindly southern gentleman, and former educator responsible for many of Virginia's finest students. He was also an excellent dancer and still a voracious reader.
12.(+)Eylam: is my weekend coworker at Mervis Hall. Lately she has been something of a romantic counselor for me.
11.(+)E--- Dan (the only instance of transposed last names) is a high school buddy I've been meaning to call more often.
10.(-)Duquesne Light: My power is out, and they won't look into the matter until Monday. So long, foodstuffs.
9.(+)Dreaming Ant (Dean, proprietor of the Film rental place in Crazy Mocha) is the location of reasonably priced DVD rentals.
8.(+)Denis W----: is my former editor from the Twin Cities, and the most generous journalist I know.
7.(+)Dan S-------: is a fellow student who spends almost every waking hour struggling to make ends meet.
6.(+)Dad: This is his cellphone, but Mom uses it, as well.
5.(+)Christine: lived in my current apartment before I did. She cleaned.
4.(-) Critter Cell: As with Verizon, I can't say think of anything good to say about this entry. [Delete]
3.(-) Critter: Really, not even one. [Delete]
2.(-) Alison: is a student who lacks certain social graces. [Delete]
1.(+)Adam: (outdated?) My brother-in-law has an intimidating intellect that is only matched by a generosity of spirit.

I recall asking Mike if he believed that a 19:9 ratio was unhealthy. Eylam would probably say no.
In any case, I can shrink it to 19:3. Is that healthy?


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