-an HEIR to the HORNBOOK-

Greatest Hits and Missives
by Benedict Monk

Saturday, September 13, 2003

-Knife in the Shelves-

Last night found me photocopying portions from late 30's issues of American Magazine. This project turned me in a completely new direction when I pulled the box of issues from the shelves, lifted out the scraps of paper inside -- and discovered a partially-retracted box-cutter.

The image of a box-cutter probably leaves more than a few people with a cold sensation these days. In this case, it was more poignant as evidence of a crime than as a tool of intimidation. Thankfully, most of the issues I came in contact with or required for this project were untouched.

Other articles (who knows how many?) were completely missing; like a professional bank robber, the perpetrator had taken the loot and left the incriminating tools behind.

I took the box to the desk and alerted them to the problem, knowing full well the staff is already aware of it. It's a large enough facility, so it's easy to cut and pocket pages.

Only the smallest triangle of the blade was exposed -- I tried to force it back in, but it wouldn't budge either way.


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